Birreci's clinical gnathology practice is the only one in Catania and Sicily that uses the method of kinesiology applied to gnathology.  

Incorrect dental malocclusion can cause headaches, tinnitus, vertigo, scoliosis, neck pain, low back pain and postural problems.

I often see patients with malocclusions and chewing dysfunction who have already used a splint-often two or three-without significant improvement. 

You cannot operate by telling the patient, “Let's try a splint and see how it goes,” because in gnathology a splint is not always the solution; in fact, sometimes it is contraindicated. 

Most of the time all that is needed is to remove dental precontacts that are interfering or raise one or two teeth with composite to solve the occlusal problem.

Gnathology and Posture

When faced with a patient with posture-related issues with neck pain, back or knee pain, pelvic slippage, a gnathological evaluation is performed using the method of kinesiology applied to gnathology. 

It is then checked whether that dysfunction can lead to postural issues, in gnathology we assess whether the masticatory dysfunction that I observe: latero deviation, open bite, deep bite, cross bite, etc. is related to posture. 

Dental extractions, dental restorations that are not congruous, dentures that do not have the “right contacts,” orthodontic treatments that are not well controlled can also be the cause of masticatory dysfunction with negative effects on posture.

It is often referred to in gnathology as posture-related occlusion; in fact, the masticatory apparatus participates in overall posture, and its malfunction can cause often symptomatic imbalances in other parts of the body. 

That is why the proper functioning of the masticatory apparatus is related to the concept of overall health, that is why intervening in these cases requires a holistic view with an interdisciplinary protocol that includes not only dental but also physiotherapeutic, osteopathic approaches, all of course after proper kinesiological diagnosis. 

 The therapeutic goal is the resolution of the painful symptomatology, and for all this, a scrupulous diagnostic phase is necessary, which can proceed to the resolution of the problem with splints, functional braces, selective molding (to remove destabilizing precontacts), additive techniques (conservative or prosthetic) in collaboration if necessary with physiotherapy and osteopathic treatments.

In gnathology, the correlation between tooth closure and posture has often been questioned, but in clinical practice it is surprising to see how upon changing the relationship between the mandible and maxilla the posture changes instantaneously. 

Changing dental closure immediately changes the patient's ability to rotate the head freely left and right or a patient with a shorter limb resolves dysmetria simply by walking with cotton rolls in the mouth. 

Our brain, like an electronic control unit, instantly reads our dental closure and puts in place a postural program appropriate to that closure, and often this results in slivellations of the scapular girdle or pelvic girdle.

Seek advice from a good gnathologist if:

From the gnathological examination I can tell you if you have a problem in your mouth. 

The method of applied kinesiology is the best diagnostic method in gnathology.

Only with this procedure can there be a correct diagnosis in gnathology and in the treatment of malocclusions.

With this method, in most cases, it is not necessary to perform instrumental investigations such as CT scan, MRI, chondylography, kinesiography, stabilometric platform or electromyography as they are almost never diriment. 

In classical gnathology we always talk about the vertical dimension of occlusion, but in reality there are two vertical dimensions of occlusion: the right and left vertical dimensions, only through kinesiological testing can we investigate both. 

The importance of the right vertical dimension in gnathology:

Incorrect vertical dimension almost always causes crushing of the articular meniscus resulting in its dislocation. 

The noises and clicks that are perceived in the opening and closing movements of the jaw result from the displaced meniscus hindering joint movements. 

An imbalance in dental occlusion, in many cases, is the underlying cause of problems in the musculoskeletal system such as scoliosis, low back pain, dysmetria of the lower limbs or rotation of the pelvis. 

Dr. Meersseman, a good and famous gnathologist discovered the relationship between dental occlusion and vertebral position about 30 years ago. 

Proper chewing and swallowing affects our posture and also our walking, but also in reverse: posture problems affect chewing.

Kinesiological testing of the deltoid muscle

Gnathological testing with calibrated gauges

The practice is the only one to use kinesiology for the diagnosis of malocclusions in clinical gnathology for the provinces of Catania, Messina, Syracuse, Ragusa, Enna and Caltanissetta.

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